We have multiple customers with the same issues
Ticket 34725 Jodi Curtis BES2 (not sure of build) and BES3 2824
Issue: When creating text - text does not generate or is scrambled
Ticket 34345 Patricia Cleckly BES4 3366 - embroidery fonts stacking together - TTF fonts work fine
Ticket 39850 JAN DALBEY BES2 font stacking again (TTF fonts work fine) - Tim installed BES4 3366 and same issue
Stelios created test program in order to generate log files:
A) Existing problematic text
A1. Open BES4
A2. From the zip file that you sent me below (Example BRF Files.zip) open one of the problematic BRF files. I prefer the Example1.brf file, but you can open any of them except for the Example2.brf that won't be helpful.
A3. Select the text and click Apply in the properties. If the text isn't still problematic, do nothing more, there is nothing to see in the log file.
A4. Close BES4
A5. Get the C:\Temp\BES4TextsLog.txt file and send it to me
A6. Delete the C:\Temp\BES4TextsLog.txt file
B) New problematic text
B1. Open BES4
B2. Create a new problematic text. If the text isn't problematic, do nothing more, there is nothing to see in the log file.
B3. Close BES4
B4. Get the C:\Temp\BES4TextsLog.txt file and send it to me